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Become a Supporter of Swiss Roundnet!


There are different ways to help us develop and spread the sport in 🇨🇭. We're always looking for additional people to do and improve the voluntary work in the association. Reach out to us, so we can see where you want and can help.

Financial contribution possibilities

You can also support us with a financial contribution. This will make it easier or in some cases is even crucial to realizing our projects. Therefore every amount highly appreciated 🙌.


Anonymous Twint Donation

Don't want us to know who our patreon is and don't want anything in return? You can also give us an anonymous donation, which will be highly appreciated! 


Twint Donation

Tell us your name and e-Mail. We'll know to whom we can say THANK YOU! As a token of gratitude we'll inform you 4 times a year about upcoming events.


Monetary Donation (Bank)

Here's all the info you need. On reference please indicate "DONATION". 
IBAN: CH59 0900 0000 1561 1059 3
Swiss Roundnet
3013 Bern

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Buy Merch via SR-Shop

Buy at our partners shop (via SR-Link), and with each purchase a small amount gets back to our community. Buy SR-Merch and you'll also look good in your role as ambassador of our community  and our sport

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Order your 🇨🇭-Nati-Shirt 

Order the official Swiss Roundnet Nationalteamshirt (Worlds 2024) now!


Crowdfund-names on the Nati-Shirt

Want to have your Name not on one but all the Nati-Shirts? Now you can without making it into the Squad! We'll crowdfund a part of the Nati-Shirt expenses. In return the Names of the people donating money, will be at the back of the shirts. (in tiny little letters word-art-style click here or on picture above for an example). Please provide Name to be printed in Twint-Payment-Form.

Find or tag us on social media: 

Swiss Roundnet

3013 Bern



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